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Cotton Balls & Swabs - Intrinsics 100602 Portable Pak Cotton Coil, 40 foot, Non-reinforced


SOFT: Soft yet strong, ideal for all nail services and hair color or perms

ABSORBENT: Absorbs liquids from perms and hair color, protecting your client from stains and discomfort

SAFE FOR ALL SKIN TYPES: naturally hypoallergenic and biodegradable; Made in USA from US sustainably grown cotton

PURE: 100% pure, medical-grade USA cotton, no fillers

CONVENIENCE: 40 foot coil in a portable box, makes it easy to move around nail stations or the salon as well as storage in a cabinet


Introducing the Intrinsics 100602 Portable Pak Cotton Coil. This non-reinforced soft cotton coil is a game-changer for all your nail services and hair color or perms. Not only is it soft, providing a gentle touch for your clients, but it's also strong, ensuring durability that will exceed your expectations. Say goodbye to flimsy materials that just don't cut it.

But that's not all - this cotton coil is exceptionally absorbent. It quickly soaks up liquids from perms and hair color, protecting your client from annoying stains and discomfort. Don't let small mishaps ruin their experience. With our cotton coil, you can focus on delivering flawless results without worrying about messes.

Are you concerned about your client's safety and comfort? We understand. Rest assured, the Intrinsics 100602 Portable Pak Cotton Coil is safe for all skin types. It's made from 100% pure, medical-grade USA cotton without any fillers. Our product is naturally hypoallergenic and biodegradable, ensuring the health and well-being of your clients. Choose quality that you can trust.

Convenience is key in any salon or nail station, and that's why our cotton coil comes in a portable box that contains a 40-foot coil. This design allows you to effortlessly move around your workspace without any hassle. Whether it's a nail station or the entire salon, you can easily transport our cotton coil to where it's needed the most. Additionally, the compact size of the box makes it perfect for storage in a cabinet, keeping your workspace organized and clutter-free.

Experience the difference of the Intrinsics 100602 Portable Pak Cotton Coil yourself. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your nail services and hair color or perms. Your clients deserve the best, and with our cotton coil, you can deliver exceptional results while ensuring their safety and satisfaction. Click here to order now!

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